Healing Grieving Hearts
For You My Lovely
"For You My Lovely" is a gift for all grieving hearts and is especially dedicated to those whose loved one died by suicide. Diane Kaufman, MD, the founder/director of the Hold On Campaign for Suicide Prevention wrote the lyric of "For You My Lovely." The singer-songwriter is June & July and the audio mix and mastering is by Henirich Smit. "For You My Lovely" won Best Original Song at the Round The Globe Film & Music Festival, Best Lyric Music Video at the Europe Music Video Awards, and Best Lyrics at the International Songwriters Day Song Contest. It was an official selection for music video at the ETHOS Film Awards.
Helpful Resources For Suicide Loss
Pray to Believe
Dr. Diane Kaufman wrote the “Pray to Believe” lyric in 2017 which was years before the start of the Hold On Campaign for Suicide Prevention. The inspiration was actor Jim Carrey's words on the suicide of his ex-girlfriend: "We're all so afraid of the river of tears," he said. "The fact is, going down the river of sorrow and suffering is the way to freedom," Carrey continued. "I've gone through it and I'm telling you, you don't survive it. You don't come out of it on the other side. You might come out of it with a body, but there's no you attached to it. It's tough to be yourself if you don't have a self.” If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call 988 for help. Painful though it is, one can learn to live on after the suicide death of a loved one.
Resilience is Creative
In life there may be times we need to "let go" with love in order to "hold on" to life. The powerful and poignant poem and drawing by Jodee, created in memory of her son Kellen, were inspired at the Arts & Healing Resiliency Center's January 7, 2024 workshop, "Letting Go & Holding On for Hope, Healing, & Resilience in the New Year." An outreach of the Hold On Campaign for Suicide Prevention, the purpose of the workshop was to uplift mental health well-being by using the power of art to connect, express, and heal. "Let Go" was a Finalist at the Austin Micro Film Festival. Please, if you are having suicidal thoughts, call 988 in the USA or call the lifeline number for your country.
My Crying Song for You
Grief comes to all who love. When death is by suicide, the grief felt by loved ones left behind can be overwhelming. There is an increased risk of suicide in suicide loss survivors. Diane Kaufman, MD, founder/director of the Hold On Campaign, wrote the lyric for "My Crying Song for You" which includes the life affirming message: "It's never too late to hope & live & love again." The song and vocal began as AI generated in collaboration with Nate Wubu. The final rendering is by singer Brittany Hadley with new added instrumentation plus mix and mastering by James Manno of JAMMAN Productions. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call 988 for help. "My Crying Song for You" won Best Original Song at the Paris Film Awards and Best Lyrics in a Music Video made in AI at the All That Moves International Film Festival in Brazil.